Microsoft OTC
Microsoft is one of the largest companies in America engaged in the development of operating systems and software for PCs, mobile phones, game consoles, PDA, etc.. The multinational Microsoft Corporation has many subsidiaries and large branches in many countries. As of 2019, the company is among the top 20 Internet giants in terms of audience size, following Google, Facebook and Oath. The most famous products released by Microsoft are Windows OS, as well as a set of Microsoft office programs.
The beginning of a successful journey
In 1975, two friends, Paul Allen and Bill Gates, developed “Basic” programming language for the recently released Altair 8800 computer. At the same time, an agreement was signed to use the software developed by Allen and Gates on Altair computers. Allen and Gates are successful programmers, but weak organizers. Microsoft clearly lacked a sales manager, so Bill Gates’ mother took over the duties and successfully dealt with them.
Development of the company. Turning a company into a corporation
In 1977, an important step for Microsoft occured. The company receives ICP — the prestigious award for the invention of Basic 8080 software. In 1979, programmers sold the license for the advanced Basic for microprocessors such as 8086. After that, Gates was offered to develop a new “OS”. The customer is IBM. Microsoft did not have a sufficient level of development at that time, so software development, on the advice of Bill himself, was transferred to Digital Research — a direct competitor to Microsoft. Microsoft at this time buys an unfinished version of the OS from Seattle Computer, inviting Tim Patterson, its creator, to collaborate. This is how MS-DOS gets life. Gates convinces IBM executives to sell their PCs with MS-DOS already installed, so Microsoft receives a percentage of the sale of computers. In 1981, Microsoft was transformed into a corporation. IBM introduces a new PC with MS-DOS 1.0.
Windows release
In 1983, Microsoft created the mouse, a well-known computer device, after which the company announced the development of Windows — a graphical extension for the MS-DOS OS. Since 1993, Windows has more than 25 million registered users. From now on, Windows is the most famous OS in the world. When the legendary Windows 95 appeared in 1995, people who did not even have a PC bought it. 25 million disks with the operating system are sold in January 1996. In 1998, Windows 98 was released — a more functional version of the 95th Windows, which thoroughly strengthened Microsoft’s position in the market of operating systems for personal computers.
Microsoft continues to develop and release new versions of Windows, office applications, various programs and games, and manufactures PC hardware and branded accessories. 90% of all personal devices in the world work on Windows system. The Microsoft team consists of more than 100 thousand employees worldwide.
American analysts called Microsoft the best company to invest in 2020, because according to their analysis, corporate profits will increase by at least 10% every year. Net profit for the first quarter of fiscal year 2020 at Microsoft is $ 10.7 billion.
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